Green Loan Support is The Tehama County Recycling Market Development Zone; Increasing businesses and jobs in Tehama County through:

Waste Prevention, Reuse

Manufacturing of Recycling Products

Composting & Anaerobic Digestion

The goal of the TCRMDZ is to establish local markets for recyclables and increase diversion in Tehama County
with attractive loans, technical assistance, and free product marketing.
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Tehama County Solid Waste Management Agency staff will be giving backyard composting presentations at the Sacramento River Discovery Center’s Fall Plant Festival tomorrow, Nov. 2. Free Food Scrap Pails available while supplies last! ... See MoreSee Less

3 months ago
Tehama County Solid Waste Management Agency staff will be giving backyard composting presentations at the Sacramento River Discovery Center’s Fall Plant Festival tomorrow, Nov. 2. Free Food Scrap Pails available while supplies last!

The Tehama County Solid Waste Management Agency will hold a free Passenger Tire Collection Event on Saturday, September 14th from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Locations include the Corning Park & Ride Parking Lot, Corner of Third St. and Solano St., Corning; Evergreen Middle School Parking Lot, 19500 Learning Way, Cottonwood; as well as the Manton and Rancho Tehama Transfer Stations. The following limitations apply to the event: Tehama County Residents Only; Can haul up to 9 tires without exemption, 20 tires with exemption; MAXIMUM of 40 tires will be accepted; Tires must be OFF-the-Rim; No large truck tires, equipment tires, off-road tires; No tires larger than 17”; No oil, paint, batteries, appliances, or other items; No tires from waste tire generating businesses. This event is being funded by a grant from CalRecycle. ... See MoreSee Less

6 months ago
The Tehama County Solid Waste Management Agency will hold a free Passenger Tire Collection Event on Saturday, September 14th from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Locations include the Corning Park & Ride Parking Lot, Corner of Third St. and Solano St., Corning; Evergreen Middle School Parking Lot, 19500 Learning Way, Cottonwood; as well as the Manton and Rancho Tehama Transfer Stations. The following limitations apply to the event: Tehama County Residents Only; Can haul up to 9 tires without exemption, 20 tires with exemption; MAXIMUM of 40 tires will be accepted; Tires must be OFF-the-Rim; No large truck tires, equipment tires, off-road tires; No tires larger than 17”; No oil, paint, batteries, appliances, or other items; No tires from waste tire generating businesses. This event is being funded by a grant from CalRecycle.

2 CommentsComment on Facebook

Do we have any tires to get rid of?

What about directly to the Landfill on Plymire?

Due to the temperature reaching 110°F, the Tehama County/Red Bluff Landfill is closed for the remainder of the day. It will reopen tomorrow at 8:00AM. ... See MoreSee Less

7 months ago
Load more
Cash. Money. US dollars. 100 dollar bills. one hundred dollar bills. paid.


Low interest fixed-term loans (currently at 4.0%) for up to $2 million dollars or 75% of the project cost. The rates are re-assessed in February and August of each year.
Please contact the Zone Administrator for the most up-to-date interest rate.

Two Engineers At Construction Site


We will assist you in finding an appropriate site for your company in Tehama County.

Rubber stamp in a hand


We collaborate regionally and will assist in streamlining any permits you may need. We are your navigators.

Farmers field full of hay bales


We can conduct a feedstock study to ensure you can obtain enough raw material to make your product in Tehama County.



We can help you market your product through the development of a website, social media tools, and free advertising.

The program can fund a maximum of 75% of cost directly attributed to an eligible project
up to a maximum of $2million, whichever is less.
Success Stories


Acrylatex Coatings & Recycling, Inc. was established in 2008 as a latex recycling facility in Azusa, CA for the purpose of collecting and processing latex paint into re-usable products.


In 2004 ESF diverted over 1000 yards of green waste from local landfills. Earthworm Soil Factory turns these unwanted materials into high quality soil amendments for soil and plant health and other environmentally useful commercial products.


Demo 2 Design answers the question of what to do with discarded construction materials.  Staff performs a site visit with contractors or homeowners before demolition to identify reusable materials that can be diverted from filling up the landfill. Contractors deconstruct and set aside materials which we transport, store and market.


Located in Chico, CA, SafePath Products creates ADA compliant ramps and transition products from 100% recycled tires. Since 2002, SafePath has been able to divert 4,000 tires from landfills each month!